Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to build a simple android Web Services Applicaiton

This outline shows how to build a Android web service with kSOAP2.  The outline also includes a simple
java program that is hardwired to go get the latest stock quote for IBM.  Enjoy...


kSOAP2 is a stripped down version of SOAP. It contains the necessary methods to build a SOAP object, insert properties, create the SOAP envelope and issue the RPC to the desired website. It also contains methods to recover the returned SOAP object. kSOAP2 allows developers of Android handsets the ability to create Web Services or SOA clients and extract enterprise data from any WS websites.

Standard WS client applications have a characteristic design pattern. The pattern that is emerging is 9 sections dealing with set-up, initialization, build, RPC call, and information extraction. The emerging design patterns follows;

Part 1 -- WSDL Parameter Initialization
Part 2 -- Creation of SOAP Object and WS Request
Part 3 -- Initialization of Request Parameters
Part 4 – Create SOAP RPC Envelope and Serialization
Part 5 – Identify WS Site Technology (.Net or others)
Part 6 – Bind SOAP XML Object to RPC Envelope
Part 7 – Create the HTTP RPC Protocol Object
Part 8 – Make SOAP RPC Call
Part 9 – Extract RPC Response Object

Although a typical WS application will contain much more code than in these examples, the examples represent a typical calling sequence. This code is pretty much self contained and can be integrated with virtually no changes in any Standard WS application.

Part 1 – WSDL Parameter Initialization: This section is line for line exact for both Standard and Extended WS applications. Key variables needed for the kSOAP2 methods are defined here. The key information that is initialized is the NAME_SPACE, METHOD, and URL. All of this information is extracted from the WSDL.

Part 2 -- Creation of SOAP Object and WS Request: The initial SOAP object is created and NAME_SPACE and METHODE are passed. All of this information is gathered by the user from the WSDL.

Part 3 -- Initialization of Request Parameters: The request parameters are added to the SOAP Request Object. The keywords are provided by the user and are extracted from the WSDL. Specific request parameters are provided by the user. In the GetStockQuote example the keyword is “symbol” and the user specific parameters is “IBM”.

Part 4 – Create SOAP RPC Envelope and Serialization: The same for all Standard WS applications.

Part 5 – Identify WS Site Technology (.Net or others): This is a hack to take care of Microsoft .Net WS sites. A URL ending with .asmx indicates that the site has been created with a .Net framework. Set “true” for .asmx WS sites, “false” for all others.

Part 6 – Bind SOAP XML Object to RPC Envelope: The same for all Standard WS applications.

Part 7 – Create the HTTP RPC Protocol Object: The same for all Standard WS applications.

Part 8 – Make SOAP RPC Call: The same for all Standard WS applications

Part 9 – Extract RPC Response Object: Usually the same for all Standard WS applications. I used an object for WS response flexibility. When you use an object you can encapsulate many different return types. This provides better standardization. I am looking at changing this to a Vector() object. Vector() objects provide general encapsulation but also easier string and data management. Give me a couple of days to think about it. The change should be minor and will not affect the previous 8 sections.

Android Example

Below is a working example Android WS application called GetStockQuoteIBM. GetStockQuoteIBM takes a DJIA symbol and builds and XML object. The application then serializes a soap object and makes a request to a WS server. The WS server,, responses with a SOAP object. Included in the object is substantial company stock trading information. GetStockQuote parses the object and prints out this information. The symbol used is “IBM”, the symbol for International Business Machines, Inc. We will use this simple example as a demonstration vehicle to show how a typical kSOAP2 client is built.


import android.os.Bundle;
import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapPrimitive;
import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapSerializationEnvelope;
import org.ksoap2.transport.AndroidHttpTransport;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class GetStockQuoteIBM extends Activity {

// Soap object parameter initialization
// SOAP_ACTION: You build this from "NAMESPACE string" + "METHOD_NAME string"
// METHOD_NAME: User provided, you get this from the wsdl
// NAMESPACE: User provided, you get this from the wsdl
// URL: User provider, you get this from the wsdl
private static final String SOAP_ACTION = "http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetQuote";
private static final String METHOD_NAME = "GetQuote";
private static final String NAMESPACE = "http://www.webserviceX.NET/";
private static final String URL = "";
TextView tv;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// Set up the display
tv = (TextView)findViewById(;

// PART 2
// Create and Initialize the SOAP object
SoapObject Request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);

// PART 3
// Initialize SOAP Parameters to be passed to the Web Service
// User provided, you get this informantion from the wsdl
Request.addProperty("symbol", "IBM");

// PART 4
// Create SOAP Envelope and serialize webservice XML object
SoapSerializationEnvelope soapEnvelope = new

// PART 5
// If URL ends in "asmx" it is a MS .Net site: Set "true"
// If URL ends in something else: Set "false"
soapEnvelope.dotNet = true;

// PART 6
// Bind SOAP request into SOAP envelope

// PART 7
// Create the HTTP object
AndroidHttpTransport aht = new AndroidHttpTransport(URL);
// PART 8
// Make the Web Service Call, soapEnvelope);

// PART 9
// Extract the response from the Web Service Object
Object result = soapEnvelope.getResponse();

// Print out response
tv.setText("Quote Results: " + result);
catch(Exception e)




Using Eclipse lets go ahead and create our project.

I would recommend that you use an Android 2.1 AVD. You can name the project any name you wish. I used the same name as the program – GetStockQuoteIBM.

Next you need to link the kSOAP2 library to the application. Right click on the project name “GetStockQuoteIBM”, select “Properties” and then select “Java Build Path”. You will now have this screenshot. Select “Add External JARs…”.

Next select the folder you have the kSOAP2 jar located. The version I am using is ksoap2-android-assembly-2.4-jar-with-dependancies.jar. I found a link from that pointed to the web location. This is the latest as of April 2010. Select “Open” then “Ok”. If you move the location of the kSOAP2 jar file you will need to re-link the new address location to your project.

Cut and past the source code into the android “GetStockQuoteIBM” source file. There are a few error flags. Don’t worry we have to update the main.xml and manifest. Don’t forget to save. Also if you chose a different package make sure you update the package name to reflect your new package location.

Cut and paste in the main.xml. We reference TextView01 back I the main program. Don’t forget to save.

Cut and paste AndroidManifest.xml. Notice the “uses-permission”. This is required if your Android client will be connecting to the internet. Don’t forget to save.

Now build the project and run the android client. You should get the following,

You have now created your first Android Web Services client application. Although this is a rather simple application almost all Web Services client applications will have pretty much the same structure. Yes, you will have a lot of code in between modifying the display, getting user input, etc. However, the 9 sections will be the remarkably similar.

A word of Caution before You Proceed

kSOAP2 was first developed in 2002 and has undergone several updates. However, it is not a fully fledged version of SOAP. SOAP spends 99% of its time building the XML SOAP object or extracting properties from the received SOAP object. kSOAP2 has limited SOAP object building and property extraction capability. I believe you can eventually build a sufficient SOAP object to talk to any Web Service however many of the facilities in SOAP are missing from kSOAP2 making the task quite difficult. Also extracting the properties from the received SOAP object is problematic without XML object parsing provided by SOAP. kSOAP2 does not provide any XML parsing capability. All of this is normally handled from the output of wsimport. wsimiport is a Apache utility that converts the Web Services WSDL to a set of procedure beans and XML beans. These proc beans enable you to easily stuff the SOAP object. The XML beans allow you to extract the properties for the returned XML SOAP object. kSOAP2 does not support the library requirements of the output from wsimport. SOAP life is difficult without wsimport.

If this is your first introduction I would recommend that you stay away from WS sites that require WS security – Amazon, eBay, etc. kSOAP2 provides no WS security support. You can eventually get kSOAP2 to work with these sites. However, you will require advanced SOAP security knowledge to handle the SOAP security protocol exchange.


I hope this helps with your first Android WS client application. When I took my first introduction class to Android this document would have saved me 2 weeks of frustration. Good luck.


I would recommend a couple of good books on Web Services. Up and running is the definitive book on the introduction to Web Services programming. It moves very quickly so it is intended for more advanced reader. Web Services in 24 hours is more of an introductory and would recommend reading this one first if you have no knowledge of web services. There are a lot more books out there so you have many choices.

Martin Kalin, ISBN 978-0-596-52112-7, “Java Web Services: Up and Running”, 2009
(Be sure to look the errata website: )

Stephen Potts, Mike Kopack, ISBN 978-0-672-32515-1, “Web Services in 24 hours”, 2003

There is also an excellent WS introduction video on this website,

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